A few months ago I mentioned a beautiful little girl named Emma. Emma has proven to be a strong and amazing girl in her short life. I wanted to give a little update on her. Last week she had T&A surgery and tubes put in her ears. Recovery was going well until her heart started acting up. Now, it seems it's one thing after another for this little girl. Her heart surgery has been scheduled for August, but if anyone remembers what we went through with Bailey, those few months seem to pass so slowly. Please keep her in your prayers.
Everything is going very well here. Bailey has an appointment with the Cardiologist Thursday. They'll do an echo and hopefully that will show things the same as before, if not better. Therapy is going very well. She is sitting up on her own, and they've been working to get her into crawling position. Speech therapy is also going very well and she was amazing yesterday while getting fed. We've had issues getting her to clear her spoon, but I had no problem yesterday!
Aubrey couldn't be any better. She's so sweet and I miss her when I'm at work. She went to gymnastics and then visited me at work. It was so nice to see her, but I hated it when she left. Her language is getting more and more colorful, and I'm not sure how to handle it. We're STILL working on potty training. She is one stubborn little girl. Keith is planning to get one of our bathrooms cleaned up and made into her own bathroom. Hopefully, that will be the push she needs to start using the potty.
Things are still about the same for me. I'm working crazy hours. For example I went in at 7am today and left at 3pm, then I go back in at 8:30pm tonight and I'll leave sometime tomorrow around noon or 1:00pm. I have to keep thinking this isn't forever, but sometimes it's difficult to wake up knowing that I have this job to look forward to going to.
Keith seems to be doing fine. I don't see him very often, but as we pass he seems okay. He's really taken on a lot since I've started working this job. We often tease about how he's a single dad. We're hoping to get some time for ourselves sometime around his birthday.
My parents are also doing fine. Dads memory seems to be getting worse each and every day. It's so difficult to see such an amazing man have to suffer from such horrible symptoms. He's always been so independent and has always felt the need to "make things better" for all the women in his life. Now, it seems that we're trying to do that for him. So, I know it can't be easy for him. He still has good days, but I've noticed when I call lately he usually just passes the phone on to mom. He really enjoys the days he gets the girls, so it's nice to know they're able to brighten his day, but he doesn't get them every day so it usually means the weekends aren't always the best.