Sunday, October 31, 2010


Bailey is doing very well. She is now 3 years old. She is walking very well, trying to talk, and is almost ready to start potty training. Bailey has been very healthy for the past year, which is good news for us. I think her last hospital stay was around December of last year.

Bailey is such a tough little girl. It is nothing for her to walk into a wall, fall down, or get a bad infection and keep going like nothing has happened. She can be very demanding when food is involved. But, is happy most of the time.

Bailey has started her 3rd year at The Achievement Academy. She moved up to another class and is doing very well. It was a difficult transition for us because we loved her past teacher and para's, but we had to understand that this is what was best. Bailey interacts well with her classmates, works hard to achieve her goals, and is exhausted when she gets home! We're really going to miss everyone when she turns 6 and graduates!

It's hard to believe where she started. First, we thought we were having a healthy baby. Then, after delivery we were told she has Down syndrome. Then, the following day we were told she had a heart defect. She came home, went into heart failure, had open heart surgery, had a feeding tube, had two eye surgeries, hospitalized many times for feeding issues, MRSA, and pneumonia. Now, she's like any other child. I love her so much!

Bailey has adjusted well to having a little sister. She only gets jealous when papa is holding Chloe. I can't wait to see my three little girls grow up together. Last year her teachers taught her how to hold a baby doll and be gentle. I owe them so much! That was a wonderful idea, and thanks to them Bailey hasn't thrown Chloe across the room.

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