Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Infected Button.. and Button Questions

Bailey's button is infected. I think. It's red around the outside, maybe from the button to about a half inch out from the button. I know when she had her g-tube, it was infected on and off for several months, but I hate to think we're headed in the direction again. Also, for those families with experience, did you have issues with it disconnecting. It's coming undone from the button to the small connecting tube. I called Baycare and they're sending an adapter out tomorrow that will possibly correct the issues. I welcome any suggestions though!


1 comment:

Leah Spring said...

Most likely the redness is just irritation from the it being changed out. Can you take a picture of it an post it? Does she have any drainage? Sometimes if there is drainage that will really cause some irritation because the stomach acid burns the skin. You can try making a paste of maalox and aquaphore that will absorb the acid so it doesn't irritate her skin. But aquaphore is the consistancey of vaseline, but water soluable so it absorbs into the skin and doesn't just sit there collecting bacteria.