Thursday, November 12, 2009

Time Moves Too Fast

This past month has been crazy!

A few months ago, Keith and I decided we'd like to have another child. For those of you on Facebook you may remember me making a comment or two about how it would be great to have another child. We were successful! We will be having another June baby. This has been a very happy and challenging time for us. We are so happy to be adding another member to our family, but this pregnancy has already been a challenge.

First, I get a survey from the doctors office. The survey asks if Keith or I has a relative with Down syndrome, then in parenthesis it says mongoloidism. How horrible is that??? I just about died. I couldn't believe that word is still being used. We're using the same doctors office we used with our other pregnancies, but I guess in the past I didn't pay attention to how that survey was worded.

Then, I have been sick. SO SICK! It just started with nausea, then turned to diarrhea. The doctor said I have a stomach virus that has been going around, but this has lasted over a week. I'm sure I'm dehydrated. My skin is dry, I'm thirsty all the time, and my mouth is dry. I have an appointment tomorrow, so hopefully everything will be okay.

I've also been very injury prone these past few weeks. First, I dropped something on my foot at work, which will probably result in toenail loss. Then, when trying to rush to the restroom I lost my balance, and fell onto the table. The force left a huge bruise on my side, and damage to my ribs. I took a trip to the ER after that injury. I was having a difficult time breathing, and we were concerned for the baby. Thankfully, my lungs were clear, but they did not check the baby.

I have an OB appointment tomorrow. I'll have to explain the bruise on my toe, the large bruise on my side, the terrible pain in my chest, and I pray this baby is okay. He has already been exposed to radiation (we protected him), which terrifies me. Thankfully, I've been able to tolerate the pain, and avoided medication. Bedtime is very difficult because I can't find a comfortable position, but I can deal with it. This little guy is worth every bit of pain I'm in.


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