Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Heart Worries... GONE!

Bailey had her appointment with the Cardiologist today. It was a great appointment. No more Lasix! We're so happy. Now, we just need to eliminate two more medications and she will be free of meds. Hopefully our appointment next month with GI will end the need for those meds. She's only gained 6oz since last month, but they increased her rate of feed last week so I'm hoping she'll start gaining more. He also said we can put the heart worries on the back burner because she looks so great! Now we just need to get rid of the tube in her belly and we can celebrate even more. We have an appointment tomorrow with the Pediatrician so hopefully all looks good there. We also had a nice day because we spent it with Papa. Hopefully he enjoyed being with us today as much as we enjoyed being with him. Ohh... Aunt Kelli will be here tomorrow for a few days and Aubrey will be SO excited to see her. Aubrey is a small version of her Aunt Kelli. They both have great personalities that we all love.

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