Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Bailey

My sweet Bailey,

It was one year ago today that I lay in the operating room as you were being brought into this world. It was one year ago today that I saw your beautiful face. It was one year ago today that I heard your first cry. It was one year ago today that Aubrey became a big sister. It was one year ago that I held you for the first time.

I never imagined the doctor would come in and say you could have Down syndrome. I never imagined that I would be dealing with something so difficult during your first few hours of life. I never imagined your little heart wasn't functioning as it should. I never imagined you would go into heart failure within the first 2 weeks of your life. I never imagined I would have a child that had to be air lifted to the nearest children's hospital. I never imagined we would be yo-yoing back and forth to the hospital for the first four months of your life.

I had no clue what Down syndrome really meant. I had no clue you would be able to learn everything everyone else will. I had no clue your heart would be fixed. I had no clue how ignorant I was. I had no clue you would teach me more in one year than I've learned my entire life. I had no clue this letter to you would make me cry.

So now you're a year old. You roll to get where you want to go. You express what you want with sounds (sometimes not the happiest sounds). You are my inspiration. You are my hero. I'm so thankful I have you in my life.

I promise to do all I can to protect you. I promise to do all I can the help you accomplish your goals. I promise to care for you as long as you need me. I promise to let you be independent when you're ready. I promise to fight for you when you aren't being given the opportunities you deserve.

I know I'm not perfect, but I'll do all I can for you and your sister.



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