Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Want to Hold my Baby

We spent most of the day at the hospital and we're back at RMH now. Bailey is doing okay today. If I had to compare today to yesterday I would say she isn't as comfortable today. The nurse tried morphine and it didn't work so he gave her a sedative and she finally fell asleep. She's also refluxing again and I'm sure that is quite painful for her little body. I wish this could all be over for her. She's been through so much for being just 4 months old, but compared to many other children there, she's in good condition. She still has her chest tube and now they're hoping to have it out tomorrow. I can't wait because I want to hold her so bad. Melissa came for a visit this afternoon. Keith and I look at each other day and night so it's nice to see different faces occasionally. We miss Aubrey terribly, but she'll hopefully be spending tomorrow afternoon with us. We're heading back to the hospital tonight so if there are any changes I'll update later.

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